10. BENT(Simms Shoot Out Winner)

Back in April when this video was released, I must have watched it 10 times. Well thought-out, great editing and camera work with hilarious moments this piece from Montana Wild is a super fun video to watch. It’s particularly rewarding (and all-too rare) to watch a very skilled angler sting a bunch of fish and Dan “Rooster” Leavens is perfect for the role. This film was the runaway winner of the Simms Shootout in 2013. I really enjoy the music, the dynamic and diverse shots, the pacing, and to think it was done in 3 days is a pretty amazing feat. Without further adieu, here is BENT:
(Contains NSFW language)

Awesome year Travis and Zach. Looking forward to more awesomeness in 2014.
Number 9 tomorrow. What is that crawling down your neck?